Westfield reader: Class 2 status will keep city moving forward

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Dear Editor:

On Monday, June 13, there will be a public hearing in Westfield regarding the possibility of moving to a Class 2 City.

Long ago, Westfield surpassed the population threshold of 35,000 to qualify for Class 2 status, which, among other advantages, allows for the administration to hire a Controller. The City Council would move from seven to nine representatives and the Clerk Treasurer then retains the title and responsibility of Clerk.

Currently in Indiana, there are 27 cities that qualify for Class 2. All but two, Westfield and Columbus, have made the transition.

Why is this important? The current Clerk Treasurer was first elected when Westfield’s population was one-tenth of what it is now. The budget alone in just the last eight years has increased from $19 million to $100 million. The city needs a Controller who holds an Accounting and Finance degree along with CPA credentials.

Considering our population has skyrocketed, and the city is the fastest growing in Indiana, we need our voices heard by more than a few. Why wouldn’t we want more elected voices communicating the thoughts, ideas, and feelings of their constituents? Westfield is currently the second-largest city in the state still in Class 3 status.

During a recent exam of Westfield by Baker Tilly, one of the largest consulting firms in the nation, a report concluded that Westfield must make Class 2 status a priority.

Our current city council seems to be leaning towards voting “NO” on Class 2 change. This would mean that Westfield would have to remain Class 3 until 2028.

Can you imagine what our population will be at that point – along with the size of our budget? Don’t we want a seasoned professional in charge of the city finances who is exempt from politics?

What does this Council know that Carmel, Noblesville, and Fishers don’t when they moved to Class 2? They have claimed this will create fewer checks and balances, which completely undermines the Council’s oversight as they are the city’s legislative body, and as such, has a duty to maintain oversight of the administration.

Finally, this current ordinance actually allows for the Council to select the new Controller for the administration, giving them the power to hire and fire.

I encourage all citizens who care about the future of Westfield to attend the June 13 city council public hearing on the ordinance at City Hall. Your current city council has taken this enormously important issue and made it about personalities rather than smart public policy.

It is time for Westfield to start moving forward again!

Matthew Deck


1 Comment on "Westfield reader: Class 2 status will keep city moving forward"

  1. Brandon Campbell | June 7, 2022 at 10:04 pm |

    I find it odd that the current council members would not want to have the additional person to have checking the books and making sure things are done correctly! Makes me wonder what they possibly could be hiding or wanting hidden? Pure speculation, but the idea that we are the fastest growing city in the state, have already surpassed the class 2 requirements, and this would not come up again until 2028 all seem like reason to want to get this done now and plan for the future, not kick the can down the road so your vote as a council member carries more weight right now!

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