Weingarten: who cares if Rep. Spartz resigns?

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Dear Editor:

A headline in Wednesday’s edition reads, “Rep. Spartz may resign if Congress doesn’t create debt commission.” Does anyone care?

She has already told all of us she is a short-timer by stating she will not run for reelection. Now she threatens to resign. Hopefully she resigns now so we can get a representative in Congress who cares about their district and does not “threaten” – and by the way, who is she threatening? I can’t figure that out. You? Me? No, it’s another idle statement from Rep. Spartz.

She calls Congress a “circus,” and currently it appears she is right, but what has she done to work with others to turn the circus into a Congress that works for the people of the United States of America? It appears not much.

So Rep. Spartz, go ahead and resign. After all, you promised to leave next year – or was that also a false statement?

Joe Weingarten

2 Comments on "Weingarten: who cares if Rep. Spartz resigns?"

  1. Mari Briggs | October 6, 2023 at 8:59 am |

    Knock it off Weingarten. At her town halls she tells the audience what is going on in Congress and everything Congress does is, “it’s all about the money” in making their decisions. I admire her for challenging Kevin McCarthy to create a debt commission. She is a CPA which gives her the financial knowledge and has worked before coming to Congress. She also grew up in Communism and can see how the United States is headed in that direction.

  2. Since Representative Spartz grew up under Communism, I would think she would be worried about the right’s drift toward Fascism.

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