Club for Growth PAC announced on Tuesday its endorsement of State Senator Victoria Spartz for the race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District.
Club for Growth PAC is a political arm of the Club for Growth, the nation’s leading group promoting economic freedom through legislative involvement, issue advocacy, research and education.

“I am very honored to get the endorsement of The Club for Growth, one of the leading free-enterprise organizations in the nation,” Spartz said. “As a finance professional and business owner in the 5th District, I understand the importance of strong pro-growth and pro-market economic policies to benefit and create prosperity for all citizens in the 5th District, unleash the human ingenuity, and empower individuals to pursue their happiness in whichever way they choose. Our nation is going through some challenging times – not the first time and not the last time, but we will overcome these challenges and will come out stronger in the end!”
Club for Growth PAC President David McIntosh issued the following statement regarding the endorsement:
“Growing up in Soviet Ukraine and witnessing the devastation of socialism has made Victoria Spartz a principled, free-market conservative who understands the importance of a strong and free economy to Indiana families. Spartz has proven herself in business and in government as a State Senator, and we are looking forward to supporting her campaign.”
For more information about Club for Growth, visit