Fishers City Councilmember Jocelyn Vare on Wednesday submitted all required candidate documents with the Indiana Secretary of State to run for Indiana State Senate District 31 in 2022. District 31 was redrawn in 2021 to include all of Fishers, Geist, and parts of Noblesville and the northeast side of Indianapolis.

“I see the new district as a fresh start for voters,” Vare said. “Many people will be voting in District 31 for the first time and I look forward to hearing what they need from their state senator.”
Vare is a business owner dedicated to public service. She proves it through her active roles with community non-profits, public education advocacy organizations, and as an at-large member of Fishers City Council. Vare was the first Democrat elected to municipal office in the city of Fishers and won her election with strong bipartisan support, including an endorsement from the Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County.
Vare maintains clear focus on goals of transparency, balance, and representation. She achieves the goals by listening to neighbors, residents, and constituents she serves. She embraces her reputation for shining a light on decisions others would prefer to leave behind closed doors. An unapologetic independent thinker, she always returns to and keeps the promises she made to those who elected her.
“Everyone deserves a public servant who represents them – someone who puts them first, works hard, and thinks independently,” Vare said. “I am that public servant. I have always been centered by local issues that make a difference in people’s lives, like caring for our neighborhoods and educating our kids.”
Follow Vare on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. For more information about Vare and a map of Indiana State Senate District 31, please visit the Jocelyn Vare for Indiana website.