Use your common sense when taking health supplements

“Judgment would seem to be seated in that part where all the senses meet; and this is called common sense…” – Leonardo Da Vinci, the Codex Windsor

I recall years ago (many!) when my grandmother in North Carolina would comment, “He/She does not have any common sense!” She could have been referring to a neighbor, an actor on television – even a relative! Most of us have our own understanding of “common sense” and truthfully there is no one definition as it can be subjective, although Merriam-Webster tells us that it is “sound and prudent judgment based on simple perception of the situation or facts.” Works for me!

Moving past Da Vinci and even Thomas Paine for the purpose of this column, let’s talk about common sense as it relates to the multi-billion supplement industry.

Like clockwork we are bombarded immediately after the holidays with ads for vitamins and weight-loss supplements. Astoundingly, Americans spend nearly $50 billion annually on supplements.1 And, truly, why would we need vitamin supplements? A possible reason might be that we are not eating nutritionally as we know we need certain vitamins and minerals in order to be our healthy personal best. Particularly, after the holiday “goodies” consumption, our bodies crave good, nutritious food which will enable us to feel better, look better, and think better. Remember that your brain is also craving good nutrition!

There are some vitamins and nutrients that can be helpful, such as Vitamin D and fish oil, folic acid, and others. However, these should be considered after your annual wellness visit with your physician and any follow-up bloodwork. Some supplements can interfere with any medications you may be prescribed. Commercials, magazine articles, and coupons cannot analyze your personal nutritional needs. Full disclosure – I do take some nutritional supplements which work well for me and are reported to my physician on my annual visit.

Weight-loss supplements are a significant portion of that multi-billion supplement industry. Obviously, maintaining a healthy weight is quite important as it relates to diabetes, heart health and other factors. Before you spend significantly on these supplements, I challenge you to “get down to basics” and make sure your daily food intake is predominantly vegetables, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and clean protein. Adding additional activity along with a healthy eating plan will enable you to feel better, look better, and THRIVE in ’25!


Sharon McMahon, CNWC

The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace advice of your personal physician or licensed health professional. Please consult your physician for any issues you may have related to nutrition or fitness activity.