Treasurer’s Office employee supporting Susan Byer

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Dear Editor,

I am writing to ask the voters in Hamilton County to vote for the Republican candidate for Hamilton County Treasurer, Susan Byer. As a 17-year employee of the Treasurer’s Office (16 of those years as the Chief Bookkeeper) my support is 100 percent behind Susan.

I worked with Susan in the Treasurer’s Office for 13 years, and during that time she worked at the front counter posting tax payments, receipting money in from other county offices, processed liquor licenses, mobile home transfers, bankruptcies, and lender files. She handled all of those job duties with great attention to detail and always had a sincere rapport with the public. I and many others in the county trust Susan to take on the job as Treasurer because she is honest, smart, detail-oriented, and has character.

Susan is the ONLY candidate that can, if elected, go into the office on day one and do all of the daily functions of the office necessary to assist taxpayers and other county offices. She is the only candidate running with the experience and knowledge needed to run the Treasurer’s Office on a daily basis. Susan is the most qualified candidate running and would run the office with great respect to the taxpayers of Hamilton County, the Treasurer’s Office employees, and other county offices.

Susan is running for Hamilton County Treasurer because she loves the office and wants to do the job, not get elected so someone else can do the job for her.

As a current and longtime employee of the Treasurer’s Office, I am asking the voters of Hamilton County to please vote for Susan Byer for Hamilton County Treasurer on or before Nov. 3.



Charisse Beck


4 Comments on "Treasurer’s Office employee supporting Susan Byer"


  2. Ms. Beck forget to mention that Susan Byer was fired from the Treasurer’s office for, among other things, “Unlawful or negligent handling of public monies;
    Falsifying or destroying any County records; Theft or dishonesty while on County property or while on County time.”
    Susan hasn’t even had a job for the past 2 1/2 years, has no management experience and no knowledge of public funds investing. Byer’s lawsuit against Hamilton County was thrown out and another judge ruled she was fired for just cause. If character matters, do not vote for Byer.

  3. Bryan Good as usual you are spreading lies. It was a tax payers money that Susan refused to take a $1.00 duplicate bill fee from. Equity Trust is a taxpayers money.. But the office holder and your wife said to take the dollar from them. But the day after they fired Susan then we were told NOT to take a dollar from Equity Trust funds any longer. You need to tell the whole story. Susan never wanted the taxpayers to suffer from poor decisions. She will make the taxpayers proud to have someone who stands up for them. The other stuff was a cat fight between Kim and Susan for calling out Kim for taking late payment for family and both were throw out for in my opinion Poor Record Keeping in house to prove either side.

  4. Bryan Good, your full of yourself telling manufactured and made up stories . She was trying to help customers and you only know what lies your wife made up to make Susan look bad. Office employees that have been there a long long time know the truth and have the documents to prove it. Take a break from your negativity and go to work for a change.

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