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Dear Editor:
Today is the day – the day to take a step toward a healthier you! The Great American Smokeout, a day set aside by the American Cancer Society, encourages smokers to give up tobacco, at least one day, and think about quitting for good.
These days, most people have a pretty good understanding of the harms caused by cigarette smoking, but here in Indiana, we still have some work to do because one in five Indiana adults still smoke.

A growing number of youth are joining together as one ‘VOICE’ as part of the Breathe Easy Hamilton County initiative. (Photo provided)
We can support Hoosier smokers attempting to quit by encouraging participation in the Great American Smokeout. Please ask your loved one to start Day One of their Tobacco-Free journey. Let them know they are not alone! They have your support and are also supported through free resources such as the Indiana Tobacco Quitline. No matter how long you have smoked, it’s not too late to see the health benefits of quitting.
What can one day do? Within 20 minutes, your heart rate drops, within 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal, and if you continue your quit plan, you will continue to see the health benefits to the lung and heart.
This is also a day to encourage youth who may be vaping. Let them know you care, you support them, and there’s help for them, too! Indiana residents ages 13 and over can also contact the Quitline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW or QuitNowIndiana.com.
LoisAnn McDole, CHC, CTPS
Founder & Owner of Women Kicking Nicotine
Quitting smoking is the hardest habit to do. Maybe not as hard as one hooked on drugs. Smokers have not bothered me and I support them if they wish to quit but I will not tell them to quit if they cannot. I would prefer to recommend pedophiles to stop their bad habit of harming innocent children.
Yes, Mary we agree that quitting is hard. One of the main reasons smokers keep smoking is nicotine. Nicotine is a chemical in cigarettes that makes you addicted to smoking and over time, your body gets used to having nicotine. That’s why there are days like The Great American Smokeout to draw awareness to making a quit attempt and breaking away from the addiction of nicotine. Over 71% of smokers want to quit. We only ask that you encourage someone when they are ready.