The Republican platform that could have been

Reporter Columnist

The Reporter is proud to welcome our newest monthly columnist. Pete Seat is a former White House spokesman for President George W. Bush and campaign spokesman for former Director of National Intelligence and U.S. Senator Dan Coats.

Republicans on the national level this year did not produce a party platform. And it’s a real shame because, at the urging of White House senior advisor Jared Kushner, it was supposed to replace the traditionally wordy quadrennial manifesto with an anti-loquacious one-page document.

Having written more than one (verbose) party platform in my day, I decided to take up Jared’s challenge and set aside time this past weekend to draft in my best platform voice what could have been the Republican Party’s 2020 Platform. And while the Democrat platform could be summarized in four words – “He’s Not Donald Trump” – this one can be boiled down into two: Security and safety.


From former Governor and Ambassador Nikki Haley, the daughter of Indian immigrants; to Tim Scott, the first Black senator elected to represent a southern state since Reconstruction; and Elise Stefanik, who made history in 2014 as the youngest woman ever elected to the United States Congress; the Republican Party represents the past, present and future of America.

We are a diverse party – with a diversity not always seen or appreciated in the mass media. Most importantly, that diversity of gender, race, geography and thought does not divide us, rather it unites us in a common purpose to be the one and only party that stands for security and safety.

Provided without context, those two words may sound shallow and empty – like hope and change. But they are much more than that. Security is not a single word, but a resolve to protect and preserve economic, job and national security. And safety is not a talking point, but a commitment to fight every day for the public and personal safety of every American.

Economic & Job Security

Our nation was dealt an unfair hand by the emergence of the coronavirus – a contagious pathogen unleashed on the world by the reckless Chinese government.

What was a vibrant and robust economy built by Republican leadership went into freefall. But thanks to that same Republican leadership, the economy is rebounding and there is no better indicator of that economic success story than the stock market – a market that matters not only to institutional investors, but to the everyday Americans our policies are aimed toward.

In fact, the retirement accounts of 40 percent of American workers are invested in the market. Therefore, these Americans – found in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Maine’s Second Congressional District – count on a rising tide to lift all boats.

And when it comes to job security, across the country, Republican-led states were similarly thriving prior to this virus coming ashore.

Unfortunately, for many Americans the peace of mind that job security brought has now vanished. But we believe for them and for us there is an American Comeback at hand because we know the formula that got America’s economy to where it was before the virus. We know the formula because we drafted the blueprint, laid the foundation and built the economic envy of the world on the fertile soil of the American Dream.

National Security

From the days of America’s first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, who through steady leadership saved our Union; to Ronald Reagan, who defiantly stood tall against the Soviet Union and compelled an end to the Cold War; Republicans have been at the forefront of national and global security. We believe in protecting our citizens at home and our friends abroad and will continue to invest in the assets of prevention – our military – and engage in the strategic relationships necessary to maintain America’s preeminent role in global affairs.

Public & Personal Safety

To the communities wrestling with violence and watching unrest take hold in cities large and small, know that the safety of our citizens is a solemn duty that requires courage and sacrifice. Therefore, we renew our commitment to support law enforcement and ensure they have the training, tools and political support required to protect their communities and keep the peace.

And when it comes to personal safety, we stand strongly in support of the Second Amendment and the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms. Every family has the right to protect themselves from harm and the Second Amendment is critical to providing that protection.

* * *

There you go, Jared. That wasn’t so hard. No need to thank me publicly. Just pay the invoice within 30 days of receipt. I’ll be sure to include the friends and family discount.

Pete Seat is a former White House spokesman for President George W. Bush and campaign spokesman for former Director of National Intelligence and U.S. Senator Dan Coats. Currently he is a vice president with Bose Public Affairs Group in Indianapolis. He is also an Atlantic Council Millennium Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations Term Member and author of the 2014 book The War on Millennials.