On Tuesday, Aug. 30, Sheridan Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Dave Mundy will present a Back to School State of the Schools session. The presentation will take place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Sheridan Elementary, 24795 Hinesley Road, and is open to parents and the community.
Dr. Mundy will share information on the following topics: demographic information including future community growth and the impact on the school district, short- and long-term planning, academics, facilities, safety updates and protocols, and an overview of the solar project and an update on its impact.
“Communication is key to any successful organization,” Mundy said, “which is why I think it is so important to have sessions like this. I will do all I can to have open communication with our outstanding community. I look forward to this and future sessions.”
I love this idea. All districts should do this in the spirit of transparency. This is where the Superintendent evaluates themself and let the public know.