Two years ago, Noblesville firefighter Lance Cox traveled to Los Angeles to compete in the World Police and Fire Games. Cox is an avid motocross rider who has competed since he was 14. During the first lap of the race, he suffered a catastrophic fall. The accident left him with a broken left leg that would eventually require three surgeries to repair.
After the accident, he was 30 hours from home, in need of an immediate surgery, and unable to drive. Members of the San Bernardino Fire Department came to his aid by visiting him in the hospital, driving him from the hospital to a hotel, and eventually driving him to the airport to return home. Hamilton County Firefighters Local 4416 purchased him an airplane ticket to get him back home.
After returning, Lance had two more surgeries. After extensive rehab, he was able to return to work and eventually the motocross track.
With a nagging feeling he had unfinished business, he continued to practice and improve on the track.
Photo provided
Fast forward to August of this year when the World Police and Fire Games were held in Lakewood, Colo. He was conflicted about risking another injury but also wanted to prove to himself that he was fully recovered. After much debate, he decided to pack up and make the 16 hour drive to Colorado to compete one more time. The motocross portion of the World Police and Fire Games was held at Thunder Valley Motocross Park.
He said before the race that he was as nervous as he had ever been. Not only did he compete in two races, but he finished in third place in both races.
“The goal was to compete and come back in one piece, but I really wanted that medal,” he said. A back and forth contest on the last race decided the bronze medal winner, with Cox making the final pass just before the white flag lap. The bronze medal he brought home was the culmination of two years of hard work and dedication.
The Noblesville Fire Department is proud of Cox’s determination and hard work and the departments congratulates him on his successful competition at this year’s World Police and Fire Games.