State Sen. Qaddoura calls on IURC to deny AES’s requested 13% rate hike


Applied Energy Services (AES) Indiana recently requested a 13 percent rate hike for all customers, raising energy bills for over 500,000 Hoosiers.

State Senator Fady Qaddoura (D-Indianapolis) has called on the IURC to decline the request:


“In its filing, AES cited ‘inflationary effects’ as its rationale for a rate hike, but the requested increase of 13% is more than triple the current rate of inflation. A 13% increase is an exorbitant request, especially when you consider that Hoosiers have been dealing with the same inflationary impacts largely without raises in salary or cost of living adjustments. A company that makes $10 billion or more annually can absorb ‘inflationary impacts,’ but many Hoosiers would not be able to absorb a 13% increase in their utility bills.

“Approving this request would set a dangerous precedent for future rate hikes and throw thousands of Hoosiers at the mercy of AES’s monopoly power in Marion County. To ensure that AES is not abusing its power over customers, the IURC should treat every rate hike request with great skepticism and an eye for the public interest. Legislators are legally obligated to ensure the affordability of utilities for Hoosiers – it is my duty to my constituents and Indiana law to ask the IURC to deny AES’s rate hike request and keep utility access affordable, equitable and reliable.”

Click here to read the full letter.