For law-abiding citizens who never see the inside of a jail, the opportunity will be afforded them on Wednesday, Dec. 18.

Sheriff Dennis Quakenbush will speak to the Republican Breakfast Club on Dec. 18 at Matteo’s restaurant on the Courthouse Square, reviewing his first year in office and then lead a tour of the newly expanded county jail.
The jail tour is purely optional following the sheriff’s remarks. The monthly breakfast meeting is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. Tickets are $20. Each month a different speaker appears at the club breakfast to speak on topics of interest in local and state government.
The Hamilton County Jail is part of a state-of-the-art correctional campus located on Cumberland Road in Noblesville. It includes a separate juvenile center, a women’s facility and a Community Corrections work release center.
Quakenbush, longtime member of the sheriff’s department, took office in January succeeding two-term Sheriff Mark Bowen.