Sheridan Lions Club
It has been a busy month for the Sheridan Lions Club. Members welcomed Indiana Lions Club District Governor Eric Schuman at its Jan. 18 meeting. He urged the group to continue service to the less fortunate.
“Together we can serve more,” Schuman stressed.
Before he left, the Sheridan Lions handed Schuman six checks to benefit the following state projects and foundation: Indiana Lions for the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Indiana Lions Speech & Hearing, Inc., Indiana Lions for Leader Dog, Inc., Lions Cancer Control Fund of Indiana, Inc., Indiana Lions Foundation, and Indiana Lions Eye Bank/Vision.
The Sheridan Lions also enjoyed other guest speakers at later meetings, including the town’s new police chief, Tony Craig.

Sheridan Lions Club president Jeff Mosbaugh and treasurer Joe Brinker look on as Lions Club District Governor Eric Schuman inspires local members to serve. (Photo provided by Sheridan Lions Club)
The group is now preparing for one of its most popular fund-raising events: the annual Mark Sims Memorial Pancake Breakfast. This year’s breakfast, which will be Saturday, March 11 at The Community Center, is open to everyone and the price is right. A complete breakfast is just $7 per person and children aged 8 and younger eat for free.
Sheridan’s Community Center is located at 300 E. Sixth St. Tickets can be purchased at the door.
The breakfast menu consists of biscuits and gravy, pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice, coffee, and milk.