Sheridan Education Foundation off to great start

Meet the Sheridan Education Foundation Board. (From left) Amber Moorman; Jenna Jessup, Treasurer; Kameron Alexander; Bryan Will; Jane Newblom, Secretary; Sharon Brimberry, President; Randy Brimberry; Cindy Keever; Kim Zachery, Vice President; and Dr. Dave Mundy. Not pictured: John Crowder, Brianna Duke, Brielle Garner, Alan Lyon, Valerie Terrance, Curt Whitesell, and Emily Will. (Photo provided)

The Sheridan Education Foundation (SEF) honored donors at a small reception held in conjunction with the January meeting, celebrating the success of this young organization.

Starting less than six months ago, the group has already raised almost $12,000. They are excited to make their first grants to Sheridan Community Schools teachers and are pleased with the response from teachers applying for the grant funds focused on their mission, which is “to improve student learning and achievement in the classroom through support of innovative activities and programs created and delivered by teachers, administrators, and staff of the Sheridan Community Schools (SCS).”

SEF President Sharon Brimberry shared that the group is grateful for the support of the community, including a grant from the Hamilton County Commissioners. Early fundraising success has been possible, she added, through the support of donors and the great community response to the kick-off fundraiser, a dinner held in conjunction with the 100th Homecoming.

Brimberry added, “We would like to thank Melissa Martin, President of the Hamilton Heights Education Foundation, and Dr. Derrick Arrowwood, Superintendent of Hamilton Heights School Corporation, for their help and support in forming our foundation.”

The group is planning a major fundraiser for Aug. 3: a Jeep Event. The day will include a Jeep parade down Sheridan Main Street, ending at the Sheridan Airport with a band and many activities.

“The airport is planning a fly-in on that day also, which will create great excitement,” Brimberry said.

Business and Civic Donors Dundley Dunlavey (left) of KV Elliott Post 67 American Legion and Cara Retz of Legacy Images. (Photo provided)

Donors recognized at the reception included business donors KV Elliott Post 67 American Legion and Legacy Images. Individual donors honored were Sharon Brimberry, Robert Burnell, Kenneth Burnell, Jane Newblom, Barbara Glunt, Kim Zachery, Brian Zachery, Randy Brimberry, Bob Boone, Nancy Boone, Judy Langdon, Roy Langdon, Dave Glunt, George Kristo, Tony & Renea Scott, Marie Mosbaugh, Arynn Boone DeLuca, and Phyllis Kounsere.

(Front row, from left) Sharon Brimberry, Robert Burnell, Kenneth Burnell, Jane Newblom, Barbara Glunt, Kim Zachery, and Brian Zachery. (Back row, from left) Randy Brimberry, Bob Boone, Nancy Boone, Judy Langdon, Roy Langdon, and Dave Glunt. Not pictured: George Kristo, Tony & Renea Scott, Marie Mosbaugh, Arynn Boone DeLuca, and Phyllis Kouns. (Photo provided)

When asked about how Sheridan supporters can get involved, Brimberry urged them to attend fundraising events and to help spread the word about the foundation and its purpose.

“We are so fortunate to have this dedicated group of supporters,” Sheridan Superintendent Dr. Dave Mundy said. “Sheridan is a tremendous place with great people who always step up for their teachers. No community supports its school more than Sheridan. I’m excited to see continued growth and I appreciate all the Foundation is doing.”