Shaffer wonders why Brainard has chosen to leave office

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Dear Editor:

At the same time the stock market cratered on fears of continued inflation and government overspending . . .

At the same time the President of the United States celebrated an Inflation Reduction Act that spews billions of dollars in Green New Deal spending even as inflation runs at 8.4 percent year-over-year . . .

The mayor of Carmel announced he will be out of a job come January 2024.

Amid glowing reactions, including page one eulogies in this paper, the mayor left out the most important fact.

He didn’t say why.

Speculation aside, the facts are the mayor is a Baby Boomer soon to be 69 years old.

He recently paid for a city-wide opinion survey measuring his popularity and must not have liked the results.

The four rubber-stamp city councilors, who formed the background for his press conference, reminded us visually that four councilors were not there.

One is a consistent voice for fiscal sanity, insisting on good management processes and clear-cut cost accounting.

Another led an investigation into the mayor’s cover-up of sexual harassment allegations involving the mayor’s hand-picked city attorney.

A third led an investigation into the 46 percent cost over-runs in the city-financed Hotel Carmichael next door to the city-sustained but financially unsustainable Palladium.

The fourth has steadfastly voted the wishes of his constituents and voiced concerns over a lack of a plan to pay down the city’s $1.5 billion debt.

Predictably, the mayor said the debt to be repaid by future generations of taxpayers is proves “financially we’re in great shape.”

Bill Shaffer

1 Comment on "Shaffer wonders why Brainard has chosen to leave office"

  1. Bill, didn’t you know nothing good happened in Carmel before 1996, that its growth has nothing to with simple geography combined with forced busing in Indy, that instead of a Palladium we’d have an open sewer system, and that rather than a luxury hotel we’d have a Motel 6, plus everyone would have died from ‘rona if he didn’t close down the Monon Trail and send a cop to nursing homes telling them they must use a now indicted company’s tests?

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