Shaffer takes issue with report on Carmel Christkindlmart

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Dear Editor:

Carmel’s Christkindlmarkt chief executive officer provided a half-report on the 2023 yuletide circus.

Prefacing her remarks by noting the markt is a non-profit, she reported a 59 percent increase in sales – $8.8 million compared to 2022’s $5.4 million.

Omitted was the fact that $7.1 million of the $8.8 million went into the pockets of the vendors.

The markt’s own annual report disclosed actual revenue of $3.1 million up 55 percent from 2022’s $2 million and $946,000 in expenses up 190 percent from 2022’s $326,000.

The alleged “non-profit” showed a two-year profit of $3.8 million (revenues $5.1 million; expenses $1.3 million).

Nor did the CEO tally taxpayer subsidies:

  • Initial purchase of the plastic booths.
  • Cost of labor of city workers who set up, take down and store the circus each year.
  • Cost of the warehouses built to house the circus parts.
  • Cost of police and utilities provided free to the markt.
  • Debt service payments on money the city borrowed to pay for the circus.

For a city council recently elected on platforms promising transparency, the markt presentation demonstrated a genuine lack of seriousness.

Bill Shaffer