Shaffer says Finkam’s “gripe is with the news reports, not me”

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Dear Editor:

I am flattered that Carmel councilor Sue Finkam took time to provide hints on how I should write letters to the editor of this newspaper (Letter to the Editor, June 19). She indicated in her 446-word novella that I should praise city leaders (her description) “for securing $138 million in investment during the pandemic at no risk to taxpayers.”

My humble reply, however: I will never praise any elected poobah for borrowing $138 million when $2.5 billion in debt hangs over the city. And, my facts came from published reports. Her gripe is with the news reports, not me.

It is ironic that, on the day her chastisement appeared, Councilor Finkam also was reported calling for mandatory education about diversity and inclusion for city employees and officials. This comes seven months after the Carmel police department’s traffic citation records show 33 percent of the tickets went to black drivers who make up just 3 percent of the population.

Perhaps the learned councilor will solve that problem and the $2.5 billion tax on future generations at her next council meeting.

Bill Shaffer
