Session priorities include mental health, veterans, public safety

State Senator

The 2024 Legislative Session kicked off this month and lawmakers will consider many issues impacting Hamilton County, our region and state. It’s a short, non-budget session which means we will not be passing a state budget this year and session will end on or before March 14.

As your voice in the Senate, I will continue to support policies that grow our economy, reduce taxes and regulation, improve our schools, and keep our communities safe.

I will again serve as Chair of the Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions Committee this year, as well as Ranking Member of the Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee and Member of the Environmental Services Committee.

While we will consider many issues this year, I’ve authored several bills focused specifically on addressing community mental health needs, supporting Hoosier veterans, and improving public safety in Hamilton County. These topics are particularly important to me as former police officer and U.S. Marine Corps veteran.

One of my priority bills this year, Senate Bill 10, would establish the Community Cares Initiative creating a pilot grant program to help communities improve paramedicine resources to address local mental health needs. This initiative is inspired by Noblesville’s innovative NobleACT program that Mayor Chris Jensen launched in 2020 to strengthen community-based response to mental health challenges. Since its creation, the NobleACT program has responded to more than 6,000 calls for help to address issues like housing, mental health episodes and addiction.

As a retired police officer, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges of untreated mental health in our communities. The success of NobleACT underscores the need for proactive approaches like the Indiana Community Cares Initiative, and I’m committed to advancing this vital effort in the Senate.

I’m also sponsoring a resolution, House Concurrent Resolution 9, to urge the State to prioritize mental health for military service members to help reduce the high rate of veteran suicide, and am authoring House Bill 39 to allow catastrophically disabled veterans to hunt for free on designated days. I recently formed a nonprofit Hunting and Fishing Show Darkhorse Expeditions supporting veterans with PTSD.

Related to improving community public health and safety, I’m co-authoring Senate Bill 5 – a Senate Republican priority bill – to assist water utilities with replacing lead pipes to help reduce lead poisoning among Hoosiers.

Other issues I’m working on include expanding access to recreational hunting and fishing for all Hoosiers and ensuring Hamilton County gets its fair share of income tax distributions.

You can read all the bills I’m authoring this session, and others that the Legislature is considering, on the General Assembly’s website

It’s going to be a busy session, and I look forward to hearing from you and working together to improve our Hamilton County communities. You can contact my office at

Scott Baldwin serves as the State Senator representing District 20, which includes Noblesville, Cicero, and portions of Carmel.