U.S. Senator and gubernatorial candidate Mike Braun stopped by American Legion Post 155, 852 W. Main St., Carmel, on Tuesday evening just after 6 p.m.
After a short introduction detailing his business and political career, Braun spent approximately an hour answering questions form community members.

Reporter photo by Stu Clampitt
A vocal proponent of both term limits for all elected officials and a balanced budget, Braun encouraged voters to look at each candidate in the 2024 governor’s race and see what each has done so far for Hoosiers.
Among the many topics discussed Tuesday evening, Braun told those present that he believes infrastructure should be funded by those who use it. One of his examples he used was the work he did to make sure all seven cents per dollar of state sales tax on gasoline goes to funding Hoosier roads.
During the remainder of his term in the U.S. Senate, you can learn about his work on a national level and reach out online at braun.senate.gov.
You can learn more about Braun’s bid for governor online at MikeBraunForIndiana.com.