Scott Frei endorsed by fellow Westfield City Council member Troy Patton

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Dear Editor:

Scott Frei has been an advocate for our kids, our taxpayers, and for our future as a city. He is not a politician and will not brag about all his accomplishments, but I will.

  1. Did you know Scott Frei has not only been a coach in WYSI but was also more than that? Scott helped take kids whose parents could not or would not take their own kids to sporting events. Scott contributed his own money and resources so kids could have shoes and uniforms. And last, but not least, he helped to develop a fundraiser in 2011 that has raised over $100,000 for Westfield Sports, and it continues to this day raising nearly $25,000 every year. His vision is lasting and continues to help kids in Westfield.
  2. Scott Frei was integral in reviewing the Health Insurance for City Employees, which would get them better benefits for less money and at the same time save the city over $1 million each year. This benefits not only the city employees, but also the taxpayers like you and me.
  3. My friend Scott Frei has been an important part of the City of Westfield serving his first term on City Council that reviewed the workings at Grand Park and negotiated with vendors, so people who live in Westfield can actually use Grand Park fields and get to watch their kids and relatives for FREE! Taxpayers who paid for Grand Park can now actually use something they paid for.
  4. Did you know Scott Frei serves on the Finance Committee for the City Council and helped to develop a budget system for the city? Now they actually have to review the budget quarterly and have a working budget that gets adjusted, which has helped the city to be more cognizant of what they are spending more often instead of waiting until the next budget cycle. I believe this has helped the city to save millions of dollars to use for infrastructure and for police and fire.
  5. Scott Frei has spent time on his own researching nearby cities and their police and fire to see how we can enhance our public safety now and into the future. When the Fire Department needed a new fire truck because they old one was in need of constant repairs, Scott was a thinker and figured out ways to finance this new truck whether it be to borrow or lease so the Fire department would get something they needed.

I can go on and on. Yes, Scott Frei is a friend of mine and I value his opinion and his friendship. He thinks through each item to the benefit of the taxpayer and puts your interests first. He is not a lobbyist, nor does he take money from the very people who are trying to control the city and you the taxpayer for their benefit, not our community.

If you live in District 4, please consider voting for Scott Frei, who will put you first and not those who are lobbying or as they call it consulting for interests other than the taxpayer. Scott is for our kids, our community, and our taxpayers.

Troy Patton
Westfield City Council member