Royals girls lacrosse beats Brebeuf

The Hamilton Southeastern girls lacrosse team beat Brebeuf Jesuit 16-8 in a Tuesday game. Pictured for the Royals are Brooke Daugherty (15), Greyson Johnson (25), Sam Borgert (21) and Ashley Springer (5). (Photo provided)

The Hamilton Southeastern girls lacrosse team was back on the field Tuesday night at Brebeuf Jesuit, and came away with a 16-8 win.
Senior Sam Borgert had a solid complete game. Borgert finished the game with two goals, one assist, three groundballs, two caused turnovers and 11 draw controls. Borgert was also able to direct 15 draws to her Royals teammates.
The defense held the Braves to only three goals on five shots. Senior Jenna Jenkins and Junior Alexis Green both came away with one caused turnover each. Jenkins added a draw control and Green came away with two groundballs.
Junior Ellie Nawa led the scoring with six goals to go along with an assist and four draw controls. Sophomores Sidney Sloan and Jessie Lyons and senior Ellie Fitzpatrick all had two goals. Sloan also added an interception. Junior Sydney Schena and senior Stella Fisher both added one goal, with Schena handing out an assist. Fisher led Southeastern with three assists of her own.
The Royals’ Junior Varsity Grey team also won, 15-3.
Southeastern plays its next games April 25 at Bishop Chatard.