Results show sharp drop in ILEARN test scores


The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) has released the Spring 2019 ILEARN scores.

According to the department, the results show lower scores across the state in English and math when compared to past ISTEP scores.

IDOE said that while it did expect a dip in scores, a number of factors contributed to the lower scores, including the redefined rigors of the test and the national normative data.

“While the 2019 ILEARN results do not provide a true reflection of the performance of Indiana’s schools, they do once again show us the importance of developing a modernized state legislated accountability system that is fair, accurate and transparent,” said State Superintendent Dr. Jennifer McCormick. “With this in mind, the Department will propose the following legislative actions: place a ‘hold harmless’ year on 2018-2019 letter grades, pause intervention timelines for all schools, and provide the State Board of Education with emergency rulemaking authority to review and reestablish the state accountability system. The success and wellbeing of our students, educators and schools are dependent upon these actions.”

Click here to view local Hamilton County school scores.