Remembering Dale Graham

The County Line

For nearly four decades Dale Graham taught, coached and then administered Carmel High School through its greatest growth years. Dale was known and respected throughout Hamilton County and even statewide.

On September 27, the night before this year’s homecoming, Dale will be recognized by the Carmel Clay Historical Society in a program called Remembering Dale Graham. The event is a fundraiser to benefit the Carmel Clay Education Foundation as well as the historical society.

Dale was gentlemanly and gracious, but he could be tough as nails when the situation demanded it. He taught history and in his early years at Carmel, coached basketball and baseball. He was my U.S. history teacher at CHS, and believe me his students learned history.

Both in and out of the classroom Dale wanted students to enjoy their high school days, but he didn’t forgo discipline. I remember as a sophomore catching his wrath along with a couple of classmates who were supposed to be working in the athletic equipment room. We were rolling a steel shot put down a hallway pretending to be bowling when Dale suddenly appeared. Our work in the athletic department ended quickly and the next day found us in study hall.

But, the following year in history class, I drew his considerable praise for explaining tactics and troop movements at the Battle of Gettysburg. That was much more personally rewarding than fooling around in the athletic department.

Mister Graham, as he was always addressed by his students, came to Carmel in the early 1950s when CHS had fewer than 300 students. When he retired in 1989 the school had an enrollment of well over 3,500. For his last 25 years at CHS he was the popular and widely respected principal of the school.

Dale died in 2007 in his native northern Indiana where he and his wife, Irma, enjoyed retirement at their lakeside home. Carmel honored him by naming the high school auditorium the Dale E. Graham Auditorium.

It is in that facility that the tribute to Dale will be held, featuring a video timeline of his life and times from childhood to retirement. Also planned is a panel of former associates, teachers and students who will relate stories of their memories, no doubt some serious and some humorous.

Details on the program time and ticket information will published later.