Reader: Rowland helped me understand

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Dear Editor,

I appreciate the very honest and informing letter from an experienced former elected official. Mary Sue Rowland has stated how it was and how it should be for taxpayers of our fair city.

The current administration has forgot who brought them to the dance. They are playing all hug and kisses with the BIG money developers. Mrs. Rowland pointed out two of the candidates for the mayor’s position without naming names.

I have seen this city grow from a town to a Second Class city. Now in the last few years we have seen this beautiful city being destroyed by the current administration. Like Mrs. Rowland stated, they tried to sell the historic Seminary Park in town. We have been saddled with a trash fee that was included in our property taxes.

We are now going to be forced to pay for the “Pleasant Street Parkway.” Will the city have a developer pay for the two bridges, one across Cicero Creek and a big one across the white river? No, the taxpayers will have to bear this cost.

Getting back to the mayoral candidates … The former school board member served 12 years and we have been presented with two referendums totaling 150 MILLION dollars – “so we can give the teachers a raise.” Well, they have not received the raise and the taxpayers will pay the piper for the next seven years. All this with a large increase to our property taxes.

Another candidate is mailing out flyers and fancy post cards detailing what he will do. He stated that he will “enhance our downtown by preserving our city charm adding more amenities and improve our housing.” Now let’s back away from the political garbage and see the real FACTS. This candidate received money from a developer in June 2018 and a couple of months later voted for the approval of this developer’s project.

Does the term INTEGRITY come to mind?

His improved housing is the five-story apartment complex to be built right across the street from a major fire station.

He is preserving our city by taking away the train and just leaving the tracks.

He wants to “invest in our infrastructure and improve public safety.” Whose money is he going to use? The developer with tax abatements or the taxpayer’s money.

How can the taxpayers pay for two new bridges for the parkway, the extension of Pleasant Street and the purchase of the necessary properties, the removal of six miles of railroad track and replacing with a walking path?

The current administration is causing my neighbors to leave the Noblesville area. The cause – HIGH TAXES. They just can’t take any more of the taxpayer carrying the burden for the BIG money developers.

In my neighborhood, a 1,500 square-foot house with a quarter-acre lot is assessed at $149,000 and the property tax is $3,788 per year. And the trash and sewer bill is over $50 per month.

Enough is enough.

Roy Conner


2 Comments on "Reader: Rowland helped me understand"

  1. Mary Sue Rowland | May 1, 2019 at 6:28 pm |

    Thank you, Roy and Marilyn Conner for stepping up and speaking out for good government in Noblesville. I noticed today that the Noblesville School system did not make the 10 ten schools in central Indiana. Much work must be done in the next four years if we are going to compete and excel as a community.

  2. Mark Resch | May 2, 2019 at 5:07 pm |

    I too thank Mr and Mrs Connor and Mayor Rowland. Although I haven’t seen the Connor’s in quite some time, I grew up down the street from them in South Harbour and their son and I were very good friends. I’m a classmate of Mayor Rowland’s son, Class of 81, and even have another classmate running for city council. ( whom I plan on voting for) I’m in 100% agreement with Mary Sue and the Connors. I hope the citizens of this city don’t fall for a slick campaign and empty promises like they have
    time and time again. Most recently the latest school referendum. I know where my vote is going, I just hope there is more of us who can see through the Slick Willy type campaigns that’s being showered upon us.
    Let’s get Noblesville back on the rails and back on track to a better future. ?

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