Put on your pink & help Heights fight breast cancer

Members of the Hamilton Heights girls basketball team cordially invite the community to wear pink and come out in force in support of breast cancer survivors at the fourth annual Pink Out on Saturday, Jan. 19 at Hamilton Heights High School. Proceeds from this event will be donated to the IWIN Foundation. (From left) Lady Huskies varsity team players Kassidy Schakel, Ella Hickok, Camryn Runner, and Hadleigh Cherry. (Photo provided)

Put on your pink and plan to attend the fourth annual Breast Cancer Awareness Games at Hamilton Heights High School on Friday, Jan. 19 when the Huskies play the Lapel Bulldogs. Tip off for junior varsity starts at 6 p.m. followed by varsity play at 7:30 p.m.

The annual Pink Out campaign is something the Heights community always looks forward to – recognizing the survivors, remembering the fighters, bringing awareness about breast cancer, and raising money for those battling breast cancer, now the second leading cause of cancer among women.

Local breast cancer warriors in attendance will be recognized and honored for their fight between the JV and varsity games. The Chuck a Duck event returns by popular demand as part of the half-time festivities. For the cost of $5 for three ducks, fans will have the opportunity to chuck their way to a chance to win gift certificates donated by local businesses, including Big Dawgs, Delullo’s, and Pizza House. The ducks can be purchased at the game through any player or player’s parent.

All proceeds from the event will be donated to the IWIN Foundation based in Indianapolis. IWIN has been supporting individuals statewide receiving treatment for breast cancer by relieving emotional, physical, and financial burdens and much more for over two decades. The basis of the IWIN Program is to give these courageous individuals the strength to endure treatment, empower them to continue their fight against breast cancer, and place them on the path to survivorship.