Purdue Extension crop & weather updates go public

The first Purdue Extension field crop call for the season took place via Zoom on April 9. These calls have been an internal tool used in Extension since 1982, when Educators and Specialists would huddle around landline telephones to give updates on production issues facing local field crop growers. In turn, the specialists on campus would give what recommendations they had to combat the issues.

As Extension moves into the 21st century, new ways are being found to use technology in order to meet the in-season informational needs of crop growers. Now that the calls are being hosted online, they can be recorded, edited to just the vital pieces, and shared in a relatively timely fashion with crop producers. You can find the first Purdue Extension Crop and Weather Update for 2024 on the Purdue On The Farm YouTube Channel at youtube.com/@PurdueOnTheFarm.

Each call this season will start with a state weather update from the Indiana State Climate Office, then each department on campus is invited to give updates: agronomy, botany and plant pathology, entomology, weed science, agricultural economics, and agricultural engineering. The Office of the Indiana State Chemist is also invited to the calls to provide regulatory updates as policies are frequently evolving from season to season and even within seasons.

This first update features a winter weather summary, and throughout the update there are discussions of its implications for pest issues this season. Specialists also shared early-season wheat management reminders, equipment maintenance reminders, and other production issues to keep an eye out for as the season gets under way. Growers can expect the remaining Crop and Weather Updates will be posted to the Purdue on the Farm YouTube Channel on April 26, May 10, May 24, June 7, June 21, July 12, Aug. 9, and Sept. 13.

To reach members of the Purdue Extension Field Crops and Purdue on the Farm Teams, please reach out to purdueonthefarm@purdue.edu.