Guest Columnist
For more than 34 million Americans, Medicare Advantage makes access to quality healthcare affordable to older adults, retirees on fixed incomes, patients with disabilities, low-income individuals, minority patients, and a growing number of veterans. Safeguarding Medicare Advantage will help make, and keep, America great.
Medicare Advantage goes beyond traditional Medicare by offering comprehensive, integrated coverage that includes vital supplemental benefits like vision, dental, hearing, fitness programs, in-home support, meal delivery, and transportation to medical appointments. These services don’t just improve health outcomes. They allow the ever-growing senior population and others with Medicare Advantage plans to maintain their independence and quality of life.
I strongly believe in protecting and strengthening all forms of Medicare, including Medicare Advantage, and I appreciate that President Trump has committed to protecting these programs that we have all earned. With enrollment now surpassing half of all Medicare beneficiaries, Medicare Advantage isn’t just a choice, it’s the preferred option for the 34 million Americans who rely on its affordability and flexibility.
Despite its success, Medicare Advantage has repeatedly been targeted for funding cuts, a move that has already led to higher premiums and reduced benefits for enrollees. Further cuts would put seniors and patients with disabilities at risk, forcing them to pay more for care or lose access to critical services altogether.
Protecting Medicare Advantage is also an investment in our communities and local economies. A healthier, more active senior and special needs population leads to stronger, more vibrant neighborhoods and a more resilient workforce of family caregivers who rely on these benefits to support their loved ones.
That’s why it’s crucial that Indiana’s Congressional delegation and Senators Todd Young and Jim Banks support Medicare Advantage and ensure it remains well-funded and fully protected. With enrollment growing year after year, keeping this program on stable financial footing needs to be a top priority for Washington policymakers.
Medicare Advantage is one of the most successful, widely used, and effective programs available today. Seniors and Medicare-eligible patients must stay informed about their options and voice concerns about the potential consequences if these benefits are diminished. In the best interest of millions of Americans who also want America to be great, lawmakers must stand firmly to safeguard it.
Mary “Dubbie” Buckler is a civic leader and an organizational effectiveness consultant. She formerly served as the Marion County Treasurer.
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