Please don’t park on the grass … Wait … please park on the grass!

Photo provided by Mike Berry

The 33rd annual Cicero Labor Day Car Show was even bigger than last year’s, and that one set records! Monday saw 280 cars crammed onto the lawns at Red Bridge Park. Let us be very clear on this point: 280 cars were in the show; no one had the time or inclination to count how many cars brought people to see the show. What we do know is 236th Street was an unofficial parking lot and a steady stream of enthusiasts were seen walking across the causeway.

Cicero Car Show 2024-provided (3a)
Cicero Car Show 2024-provided (1a)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Daniel Gross (1)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Daniel Gross (2)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Daniel Gross (3)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark and Lisa Hall (1)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark and Lisa Hall (10)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark and Lisa Hall (11)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark and Lisa Hall (5)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark and Lisa Hall (7)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark and Lisa Hall (9)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark Heirbrandt (1)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark Heirbrandt (2)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark Heirbrandt (3)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark Heirbrandt (4)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark Heirbrandt (5)
Cicero Car Show 2024-by Mark Heirbrandt (6)
Cicero Car Show 2024-provided (2)
Cicero Car Show 2024-provided (4)
Cicero Car Show 2024-provided (5)
Cicero Car Show 2024-provided (6)
Cicero Car Show 2024-provided (7)
Cicero Car Show 2024-provided (8)
Photo provided

If you had a good place to park at the 2024 Labor Day Car Show in Cicero … then you’re our hero. This place was packed! If we may offer a humble local newspaper suggestion: while Morse Lake is a beautiful venue, maybe find a bigger spot next year because you have become too successful for Red Bridge to bear any more weight without slipping into the water. One more suggestion from the desk of our publisher: someone at that show needs to modify Emily Pearson’s chair like unto a 1981 DeLorean with a Flux Capacitor.

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