HSE Stigma Free Club to hold Hope for Happiness

www.LarryInFishers.com When HSE High School student Ranvir Sandhu’s mother attempted suicide, he was motivated to start a school club aimed at educating others about mental health. He got the help…

Looking for balance

Publisher’s Perspective This week, Noblesville resident Michael Saner provided the Reporter with information from a public access request. After reviewing this information, discussing it with my staff and talking to…

Decision time for Nickel Plate

The County Line Decision time for the future of the Nickel Plate Railroad is at hand, but few involved seem anxious to make that decision. It is not the best…

‘Stunned by the cynical disdain’

Dear Editor: Regarding the article of July 27 Stacking the deck, Mr. Cooke? As a Noblesville resident, Republican voter, and longtime supporter of John Ditslear, I was stunned by the…

Reader: ‘I am Anita’

Dear Editor, Regarding your article about the Nickel Plate yesterday, referencing an email with my name. “Email: “As for Anita – I’d rather not waste time on her. She’s probably…