Over 600 kids get to be fire fighters for a day in Carmel

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The Carmel Fire Department held its free Fire Fighter for a Day Camp last week, June 19 to 23, at Aletto Fieldhouse at the Carmel Dad’s Club. A total of 651 kids participated, and approximately 50 volunteers helped each day of the camp.

An adaptive afternoon open house was held on June 19 to accommodate children with disabilities, and eight kids and their families took part. The rest of camp was held June 20 to 23.

Kids ran through six different stations performing tasks fire fighters often encounter, like chest compressions on a mannequin, helping a choking person, carrying a “patient” to a megamover, making their way through a rescue maze, an adapted version of the Candidate Physical Aptitude Test (CPAT), washing a fire truck, and playing waterball. Kids were able to see a parade of equipment, including a fire engine, ambulance, tiller, and lifeline helicopter.

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this annual event another huge success.

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