Noblesville voter supports Julia Kozicki for mayor

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Dear Editor,

I am excited, proud and confident in recommending Julia Church Kozicki as the next Mayor of Noblesville. It has been more than two decades since a woman has thoughtfully and strategically led our city, and Julia is absolutely the right person for the job! Capable, bright and Noblesville homegrown, Julia will lead us into the future of our growing, thriving city with a love for Old Town and a vision for our whole community – from Morse Lake to Hamilton Town Center.

Julia grew up on the northwest corner of Wayne and North 9th streets just a block and a half from where my family lived and where our mother (Frances Lively) lived from 1948 to her death in 2014. I have known Julia since she was little both at Noblesville First Methodist (where her father, Doug Church, led our youth group) and as a neighbor, even sitting for Julia and her brother when I was a student at Noblesville High School. Kind, honest, precocious and thoughtful, she showed leadership at an early age and grew more and more into local, dedicated civic responsibilities as she matured into adulthood.

Julia has tackled leadership in Noblesville since returning from college with a law degree and graduating from the Hamilton County Leadership Academy. She successfully served as president during her tenure with the Noblesville School Board, and Beta Epsilon Chapter of Tri Kappa, and has always had a strong calling to serve the Noblesville community – and will never use her position as a stepping stone to higher positions. Her heart is Noblesville.

I have seen her be an effective, insightful leader – practical, level-headed, mature and very honest. She does her homework – researching, discussing and listening – in order to make informed, intelligent decisions that encompass all those effected. Her management skills allow input from all concerned with fairness, respect and integrity. She serves those she represents and empowers those she leads.

We need a Mayor – a proven leader – who will be inclusive and transparent and who will tackle tough issues, making sure all voices are heard in the decision-making process. We need a Mayor who will bring us into future growth with an eye towards the needs of a successful future influenced by a heart filled with love for where we have been. Noblesville, where she has grown, volunteered, worked, led and, with her husband, raised two Eagle Scouts, will thrive under her direction!

Vote no to politics as usual and yes to a prosperous future for Noblesville by choosing Kozicki on the ballot in May. Julia is the right person at the right time.


Beth Lively
