Noblesville voter outlines her reasons for supporting Laura Alerding for State Rep.

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Dear Editor:

I am writing to recommend Laura Alerding, Conservative candidate for Indiana State Representative for District 29.

I have known Laura through her service to the Noblesville community as a Noblesville School Board member and as an Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL) Board member. I have found Laura to be a woman of integrity and principles. With her experience being elected to public office, Laura stands up for the values and principles of those who elected her. She listens to and stands by her constituents, even when there is great cost attached to it. People willing to do this are hard to find today.

Like many parents in 2020, I was concerned about some of the content my daughters were learning at Noblesville High School. Laura took my concerns and the concerns of many other parents seriously and acted in her role as a School Board member to make changes. Through her service on the HEPL Board, again Laura listened to the concerns of the community and worked with other board members, seeking expert legal counsel, to make changes they felt were needed in the fairest way possible.

As Laura is campaigning once again for public office – she is working tirelessly in the community, knocking on doors, listening to the concerns of her constituents. As we look across our state and see rising food and healthcare costs, ever increasing property taxes, and struggling school systems, we need people like Laura who will listen, stand strong and not back down in the heat of the battle. Laura has demonstrated she can and will do this.

We need Laura’s level of commitment and resolve in the Statehouse to fight for Conservative values of freedom, faith, and family. She has my vote for Indiana State Rep District 29. I encourage you to vote for her as well.

Alison Hanley