Noblesville Swim Club Senior Trip: After tough workout, team bonds at the beach

Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of articles by Noblesville Swim Club seniors Casey Akers and Jack Wolfred about the club’s Senior Trip to Coronado, Calif.

Greetings from Coronado! On the second day of our senior training trip we focused on the word NOBLE. In the morning, our group headed to the pool and got ready for another hard day of training. Though it challenged our mental toughness, we worked through it while encouraging our fellow teammates. After a focused and tough workout, we headed back to our hotel and prepared for the beach. At the beach, the team bonded in the freezing water by jumping through waves together. We threw Frisbees, played in the sand, and grew closer as a team.
After the beach the team came back to the hotel and enjoyed a nice lunch with each other. Following lunch we had a few hours of free time where everyone relaxed and took a short break before going back to the pool for another workout. This afternoon practice challenged the team mentally and physically and forced us to help each other to make sure we all had a successful practice. Following our final practice of the day we hustled back to the hotel and got ready for a team dinner down the street from our hotel.
At team dinner we had a great time and went out to the bay shore to take some team pictures in front of the San Diego skyline. Afterwards we had our team meeting about the word noble and we discussed how we performed better in our practices today and how that will both improve ourselves and the team in the future. We ended the day well as coach Aleks and Rich told us how what we did today will prepare us for competitions and harder things in the future.

TOMORROW: The club tackles the infamous leg lift.