Noblesville Santa House opening this Saturday

The whole family can get their photo taken with Kris Kringle from this Saturday through Christmas Eve. (Photo provided)

Santa Claus will make his return to Noblesville during the Christmas Parade on Sunday, Nov. 26. Children are invited to visit Santa on the courthouse square in downtown Noblesville to tell him what they’d like for Christmas.

“We are excited to have Santa back in town and visiting with area children,” said Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear. “Santa’s House is free to visit and parents are welcome to bring a camera to capture those memories.”

Again this year, Santa has scheduled a night for adults or those with four-legged children. Looking for a unique holiday card photo? Santa will be available to have his picture taken with adults, couples and dogs from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2. While no children would ever be turned  away from seeing Santa, this timeslot is designed for the “young at heart” and furry kids. Those with canine allergies or a fear of dogs also are encouraged to attend a different time. Owners are asked to keep their dogs on leashes and controlled since there may be many in line. Because of the size of the Santa House, Kris Kringle will exit the house to greet larger breeds or those that seem too hyper to be contained inside.