School eye testing was done by the three Lions Clubs last week at MWMS on Aug. 26 for approximately 450 students, NEMS on Aug. 27 approximately 400 students, and Noble Crossing on Aug. 29 for approximately 250 students.
(ABOVE) MWMS testing by Lions (from left) Dan Dumbald, John Einsfeld, Vicki Neddenriep, Lois Whitehead, Cheryl Helton, Josh Kozicki, Lisa Rhoe, Gary Hipes, Kathy Terrell, Ann Delpozzo, Jeanne Auffrey, and Dave Aschenbach. Missing was Walt Scheid and Carl Weber.
NEMS testing of eighth graders by Lions (from left) Jeanne Auffery, Steve Shaw, Lisa Rhoe, Walt Scheid, Vicki Neddenriep, Gary Hipes, John Einsfeld, Kim Bowen, Kathy Terrell, Kathy Ravestein, Donna Fisher, and Dan Dumbauld.
Noble Crossing testing of third and fifth graders by Lions (bottom row) Jeanne Auffrey, Dan Dumbauld, Ann Delpozzo, and Vicki Neddenriep; and (back row) Dennis Tackitt, Walt Scheid, Josh Kozicki, Steve Shaw, Kathy Terrell, and John Einsfeld.