Noblesville announces five-year plan for Capital Improvement projects

Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear (left) and Noblesville City Council President Chris Jensen revealed "Noblesville Now," a capital improvement plan that outlines 10 top-priority projects for the city. (Reporter photo by Jeff Jellison)

The City of Noblesville on Wednesday announced its Capital Improvement Plan for 2018-2023 projects to relieve traffic congestion, improve connectivity via roads and trails, introduce multi-family apartments to downtown, and address the needs of the police department.

The Noblesville NOW Capital Improvement Plan unveiled 10 top-priority projects that span the entire community – including Olio Road and Pleasant Street improvements, a downtown parking garage and a new police headquarters. Each project achieves at least two of Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear’s objectives for 2018-2020 – strengthening infrastructure, creating greater economic development, enhancing public safety, improving connectivity and expanding the downtown area.

“The time is now to address these critical projects to better manage our growth as a thriving city while protecting the small-town feel that is beloved by our residents and visitors,” said Ditslear. “I look forward to leading this effort and working with our Common Council to ensure we are acting in the best interests of our taxpayers and moving our city forward to meet our goals and objectives.”

Ditslear said his greatest excitement is for the new mixed-use projects that will introduce multi-family apartments to downtown that meet the criteria set in Noblesville’s recent housing study, which called for more urban densification and walkability.

“Our downtown is applauded for being historic as well as authentic – but we have long sought to infuse the downtown with more residents who would frequent our local merchants and restaurants,” he said. “And I’m proud to say, with this capital improvement plan, we will finally provide Noblesville’s first parking structure in downtown.”

The city is currently developing a finance plan and costs for each project. Exact numbers are not known at this point, but options include federal and state funding, tax increment financing, bonds and cash.

“I’m proud of the work we as a Council have achieved over the past two-plus years. But our work has only begun, and I look forward to helping the mayor achieve our vision and finally moving forward on these initiatives that have been talked about and studied for years,” said Noblesville Common Council President Chris Jensen. “We need to get this work underway now so our residents can reap the benefits sooner rather than later.”

The priority projects include:

Downtown development

  • Form public-private partnerships to create new mixed-use developments with multifamily residential, commercial and structured parking in and near the downtown area
  • Approximate Timeline: 2018-2019

Logan Street pedestrian bridge

  • Widen the Logan Street bridge over the White River for improved pedestrian access
  • Approximate Timeline: 2018-2019

Midland Trace Trail – Phase 3

  • Extend the Midland Trace Trail from Willowview Road to Hague Road
  • Approximate Timeline: 2018-2019

Noblesville Police Headquarters

  • Build a new headquarters for Noblesville Police Department
  • Approximate Timeline: 2018-2020

Olio Road

  • Improve Olio Road from 141st Street to north of 146th Street with four lanes, a roundabout at 146th Street and drainage improvements
  • Approximate Timeline: 2019-2020

Pleasant Street

  • Initiate various intersection improvements along Pleasant Street
  • Approximate Timeline: 2019-2023

Street lights on 146th Street

  • Replace street lights along 146th Street from SR 37 to I-69 with new energy efficient street lights
  • Approximate Timeline: 2019

Roundabout projects

  • Construct various roundabout projects – including one at Logan and Nixon near Federal Hill Commons
  • Approximate Timeline: 2021

South 10th Street trail, drainage

  • Construct a pedestrian trail with improved drainage along 10th Street from Wellington Northeast to Greenfield Avenue
  • Approximate Timeline: 2022

Little Chicago pedestrian bridge

  • Construct a pedestrian bridge over Morse Lake alongside Little Chicago Road
  • Approximate Timeline: 2023

The last major capital funding effort undertaken by Noblesville began in March 2016 when the Common Council approved a list of capital projects that have since been completed, including the Little Chicago Road Trail; Midland Trace Trail (Phase 1); police station study; 10th Street roundabout; downtown street lights and an initial design, environmental and economic development study of Pleasant Street. Meanwhile, Midland Trace Trail (Phase 2) and Finch Creek Park (Phase 1) are currently being built and the Levee Trail is set for construction in August 2018.

The city anticipates further announcements as progress is made on each of the new projects that is part of the Noblesville NOW Capital Improvement Plan. For more information, visit