Nicole Southerland succeeds Joanne Tedesco as chair of Westfield disabilities council

Joanne Tedesco and Nicole Southerland. (Photo provided)

The Westfield Mayor’s Council on Disabilities (WMCD) has announced that Nicole Southerland, a 30-year Westfield resident and Director at CICOA Aging and In-Home Solutions, will immediately assume the role of chairperson.

“It has been an honor and privilege to lead the Westfield Mayor’s Council on Disabilities for the past year,” WMCD Founder Joanne Tedesco said. “During that time, we have formed valuable partnerships across Hamilton County. As we continue to provide our community with quality resources and valuable disability-related information, we must remember that positive change will come from systemic transformation at the state level.”

WMCD events have included conversations about planning for the future, special needs estate planning, post-secondary education opportunities, disability employment, deaf and hard of hearing resources, and the importance of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This civil rights law prohibits discrimination based on disability. The WMCD will celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the ADA on July 26.

“I’m thrilled to take on the leadership role for the Westfield Mayor’s Council on Disabilities and believe my skills and experiences will add great value,” Southerland said. “I’ve been working at CICOA for over 20 years and have a pulse on statewide programs, funding, and behind-the-scenes details that will benefit the disability community.”

Along with Mayor Andy Cook, Westfield Council member and presumptive Mayor Scott Willis was an early supporter of a disability council, which Cook’s administration subsequently adopted.

“While I’m disappointed that we weren’t successful in securing a disability ordinance in Westfield, we have made enormous gains,” Willis said. “This Council has uncovered issues and has started some critical conversations that will impact not only people with disabilities but the city overall.”

“The disability population is a passionate group that works tirelessly for inclusion, acceptance, and understanding,” Mayor Cook said. “I’m thrilled that we have WMCD up and running and am confident it will be just as vibrant in the future.”

The WMCD will continue to positively impact the lives of people with disabilities by addressing current challenges people with disabilities in Westfield face and uncovering quality solutions that break down barriers.

For those interested in being part of the WMCD, please email your contact information to For more details on the WMCD visit