Newer traditions

The holiday season approaches and with it comes the traditions. A wonderful expression to our past, traditions bring the young and old together over the simplest of things. Hopefully the Christmastime traditions you are used to are more akin to the likes of a Norman Rockwell painting rather than National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

As I watched the first dusting of snow on my way to work, I grew a bit more excited for the season of cheer. Usually, the sight of snow immediately reminds me of the slush, ice, and the bitter wind of the winter steadily creeping from the calendar. This time was different.

Every community has its own traditions. Many towns will put up a few ribbons and bows, toss up a few decorations on the street lights, and call it a day. These traditions have become more of a standard than something to bring a community together. Let me be clear – I always enjoy seeing the holiday lights that brighten the small-town main streets I find myself passing through. However, I’m also appreciative of the communities that aren’t afraid of branching out into new ideas to grow the holiday spirit. I’m glad I found myself in a community that fits the bill.

Hayden Parsons said he was glad to experience Noblesville’s new tradition of a nighttime parade. (Reporter photo by Hayden Parsons)

For all you married readers out there, try to remember the first time you spent a holiday with your in-laws. A bit of an awkward experience, I bet. You didn’t know the traditions they had. Maybe your spouse or fiancé tried to warn you about what the expectations were. Maybe that warning wasn’t as helpful you needed it to be. That exercise of the mind is a good reminder on how it feels being the newcomer to the traditions. It’s always easier to stay with the traditions you grew up with. But eventually you have your own kids. You create your own holiday traditions. Your traditions become special to you.

So what am I really excited for this upcoming holiday season? To experience new holiday traditions with you.

I got to experience for the first time, along with the entirety of Hamilton County, the Noblesville Holiday in Lights Downtown Parade. (Finally! Something newer to Hamilton County than I am!) It was a nice parade with a great turnout! The bubbles from the fire engine seemed to be a hit. What made it most special to me was having a bit of time to slow down and have a fun conversation with my wife while we watched and sipped on the hot cocoa we brought from home.

I hope to enjoy this new tradition for years to come. So enjoy your traditions this holiday season, but don’t be afraid to make some new ones! Have a very Merry Christmas, Hamilton County!

Hayden C. T. Parsons is the newest associate at Adler Attorneys in Noblesville.