New face coming to HEPL Board

Bill Kenley (left) will replace Laura Alerding on the Hamilton East Public Library Board of Trustees. (Photos provided)


On a night with 26 members of the public requesting time to speak, Noblesville School Board President Dr. Joe Forgey had to make a motion for more time to let everyone have their chance. The topics on the tip of every citizen’s tongue was the Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL) board appointment and HEPL’s policy of reshelving books from the teen to the general (adult) collection area.

In a 3-2 vote on Tuesday night, the Noblesville School Board appointed English teacher Bill Kenley to the HEPL Board. Current HEPL Board President Laura Alerding’s last day on the HEPL Board will be Aug. 26.

Kenley, a 1989 Noblesville High School (NHS) graduate, has taught at NHS since 1996. Noblesville Schools has previously referred to Kenley on its own website as “an inspirational educator, coach, author, champion of the arts, and active Noblesville resident.”

Alerding is one of five members of the Noblesville School Board and was the only person on the seven-member HEPL Board who also held a position on the governing body given the power to appoint people to the library board.

Alerding voted against her own replacement to the HEPL board. Misti Ray also voted against Kenley’s new appointment to the HEPL Board.

Of the 26 members of the public who were given the opportunity to speak Tuesday night, 12 spoke in favor of the current library reshelving policy or in favor of Alerding’s reappointment. (It should be noted that three of those have a family name in common.) Ten spoke specifically against at least one of those things. Four people voiced their opinions without specifically stating a position.

Public comments before the vote went on for well over the allotted 45-minute time and contained some notable moments.

One speaker, who said, like the Lorax, she wanted to speak for the books and wants a board appointee who would do the same, asked the school board to “appoint a new trustee who understands how books work.”

Another speaker compared the current debate over book shelving to the movie Footloose.

One person, speaking specifically in favor of Alerding’s reappointment, said, “A vote against someone like Laura is a vote for pornography for children.”

Adam Crouch also spoke during the public comment section. Readers may remember his name as the man who has repeatedly been escorted out of HEPL Board meetings by Fishers Police at Alerding’s request.

Mr. Crouch was not escorted out of Tuesday night’s school board meeting.

Alerding’s final meeting as a member of the HEPL Board will be Aug. 24. At that meeting, new board officers will be chosen with their terms to begin on Sept. 1.