Morris wants consistency in following the law

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Dear Editor:

I am very pleased that the valid constitutional and statutory objections raised by elected officials such as Attorney General Hill and Sheriff Quakenbush were addressed by the governor regarding mask-wearing enforcement.

As I was doing a loop over the weekend on I-465, I noticed neither IMPD nor ISP were strictly enforcing the posted maximum speed limit of 55 miles per hour either. It struck that like the purported benefits of mask wearing, following speed limits can save lives. In addition, the government actually owns the roads, unlike most places that were going to be subject to the mandatory mask wearing edict.

Finally, the governor, through INDOT, has a statutory mechanism (IN Code section 9-21-5-12) to address this without needing to call a special legislative session, and then enforce it later. Therefore, I called INDOT and have requested that they study the speed limit on I-465, which is rarely followed, and would encourage others to do the same.

In the meantime, I would ask those that believe masks should be mandatory to only drive at or below the speed limit, and use your turn signal. If it saves just one life …


Eric S. Morris


1 Comment on "Morris wants consistency in following the law"

  1. Mari Briggs | August 6, 2020 at 10:57 pm |

    Eric Morris compared safe driving and wearing masks as consideration to others safety. I am also adding that tailgaters set the stage for more accidents than non mask wearers. Well said Eric Morris!

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