Morris questions links between Mayor Brainard, Aria Diagnostics

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Dear Editor:

I have sent this letter to Assistant U.S. Attorney Kyle Sawa, appointed to serve as the Coronavirus Coordinator for the Southern District of Indiana, and Hamilton County Prosecutor Lee Buckingham.

I believe this may warrant further investigation, especially considering the nexus between potential federal Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement and the use of a public office to promote a company. Carmel Mayor James Brainard has been promoting testing by a company called Aria Diagnostics, with a partner named Zak Khan. (Click here for source.)

The city portion of the contract may be worth up to $600,000 to Mr. Khan’s firm. (Click here for source.)

Mr. Khan donated $2,500 to Mr. Brainard’s campaign last year. Please see page 4 of this document.

As Mr. Brainard readily admits, campaign donations may impact the actions of public office holders:

“I would suggest you look at the amount of contributions from telecommunications companies to our state representatives and senators,” Brainard said. “And you can quote me on it.” (Click here for source.)

Mr. Khan has had documented troubles with his businesses. (Click here and here for sources.)

It may have impacted his personal finances as evidenced by late tax payments each of the three years listed here. The address of 9999 Ditch Road matches the address listed on the campaign finance report.

He has ties to a city-supported non-profit, serving as the VP of the Board. (Click here for source.)

Both of the entities mentioned, Carmel Investment Group and Surgery Center Development Co., have been administratively dissolved, according the Indiana Secretary of State.

The Mayor promotes Aria in this message to citizens.


Eric S. Morris
