Millers girls lacrosse stays unbeaten

The Noblesville girls lacrosse team returned to action after Spring Break by taking a trip to Evansville North on Thursday.
The Millers came home with an 18-8 victory. It was the Huskies’ Senior Night, and in addition to recognizing their seniors, graciously acknowledged Noblesville’s seniors with roses as well.
The seniors led the way for the Millers. Emma Potter scored six goals and dished out three assists. That gave her nine total points, which set a new Noblesville single-game record. In addition, Potter also became the Millers’ career leader in goals scored. Her other stats include six draw controls, six ground balls, three interceptions and two forced turnovers.
Senior Rheagan Haney put in six goals as well. Sarah Travis led the defense, collecting three ground balls and forcing two turnovers. As a team, Noblesville won 23 of 28 draw controls, and seven different Millers players scored at least one goal.
Noblesville is now 5-0 for the season and will next play Wednesday at Cathedral.

Goals: Emma Potter 6, Rheagan Haney 6, Sidney Klinger 2, Mallory Miller 1, Brooke Miller 1, Maddie Christie 1, Nataley Blackburn 1.
Assists: Potter 3, M. Miller 1, Klinger 1, B. Miller 1.
Draw controls: Potter 6, M. Miller 5, Blackburn 4, Klinger 3, Christie 3, Haney 1, Emma Hammond 1.
Ground balls: Potter 6, Sarah Travis 3, Haney 2, M. Miller 1, Klinger 1, Blackburn 1, Isabelle Imes 1.
Forced turnovers: Potter 2, Klinger 2, Travis 2, M. Miller 1, B. Miller 1, Blackburn 1, Marisha Woehler 1.
Interceptions: Potter 3.