Photo provided by Merchants Bank
Merchants Bank held a topping-off ceremony last week to commemorate the highest structural element being placed for the new HQ2 for Merchants Capital, located at 410 Monon Blvd. Carmel.
This is an ongoing tradition for Merchants Bank symbolizing the hard work completed by each member of the organization.
HQ2 is second Merchants Capital building to open within the last 10 years. This is Merchants Capital’s sixth office (Indianapolis, New York, Chicago, Boston, Washington D.C., Minneapolis).
The building will have a bridge from HQ1 (Merchants Bank) to HQ2 (Merchants Capital).
Merchants Bank’s chairman and co-founder Mike Petrie, Merchants Capital’s president and CEO Mike Dury, and Merchants Bank’s president and CEO Mike Dunlap each spoke during the ceremony.
Learn more about Merchants Bank at MerchantsBankOfIndiana.com.
Photos provided by Merchants Bank