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Requests for meal delivery to area homebound residents has increased by 34 percent in the last 30 days, according to Beth Gehlhausen, executive director of Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County.

Now in its 45th year, the organization is able to fulfill those requests with hot meals, sack lunches and even frozen meals thanks to the generosity of donors and dedication of staff and volunteers. They are maintaining the health and safety of staff, volunteers and clients by following guidelines from the CDC as well as minimizing exposure with no face-to-face contact. At this time, all meals are delivered to coolers on clients’ front porches.
Food insecurity isn’t a new concept in Hamilton County. Last year, Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County served more than 302 individuals 43,000 meals.
Since March 1, 70 new clients have come on board, nearly doubling monthly costs. An emergency grant has been received from the Hamilton County Foundation, but the need for donations is still great in order to meet the increased sustained need for nutritious meals for the homebound.
“We all have a responsibility to share in the solution, especially given these uncertain circumstances,” said Gehlhausen. While donations of any size are appreciated (as $50 provides meals for one week for a Meals on Wheels client while $210 provides a month of meals), a 2020 campaign goal of $50,000 was set at the beginning of the year. To donate or for more information, visit For more information contact Meals on Wheels at (317) 776-7159.
“I want the community to know we’re available, and we have capacity to help,” said Gehlhausen. “We’re taking new clients daily. Individuals just need to call us or go on the website and fill out the online application.”
About Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County
Established in 1975, Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County enhances the quality of life of homebound individuals and seniors in Hamilton County by providing nutritious meals, personal interactions and independence. Meals are prepared in state-approved healthcare facilities and designed by a certified registered dietitian under a physician’s prescribed supervision according to the client’s specific dietary needs. Nearly 200 meals are delivered daily by volunteers to enable our clients remain independently living within the community in their own homes for as long as possible. For more information on receiving services or to volunteer, contact Meals on Wheels at (317) 776-7159.