McCray accepts Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate

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On Tuesday night, Dr. Valerie McCray became the first African American woman to become a nominee for the U.S. Senate in Indiana. McCray won the Democratic primary, defeating Marc Carmichael. Here is the text of her victory speech:

Hello! Thank you all for joining me tonight!

This has been an incredible campaign already. A grassroots campaign by the people and FOR the people. We didn’t have a huge war chest, but we had heart, dedication, and passion. And we WON!

The fact that I can claim victory in the Primary says one thing – the people of Indiana are ready for someone who understands their struggles. Who will fight for mental health care, breathable wages, and reproductive rights!

I want to thank my family, my friends who tirelessly canvassed, knocked on doors and spread the word about my campaign. I want to thank my incredible campaign manager Charrie Stambaugh – who put in so much work along with Jeanine, Thaila, Krista, Ginger, Jennifer, Mary, Alyson, Karen, Sierra. There are so many people to thank – I don’t want to forget anyone. Just know that I appreciate each and every one of you.

This is just the beginning – after a short 24-hour break – we now must turn to the General Election. Defeating Jim Banks will be a huge mountain to climb. It will take more money, more hard work, and more volunteers than ever before.

But, tonight, we made history. Tonight, I am now the first Black woman to be the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate in Indiana! And tomorrow we will begin the fight for Indiana.

Thank you so much for all your support and keep it coming because we are just getting started!

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