March is Invasive Species Action Month in Hamilton County

The Hamilton County Invasives Partnership (HIP) launches Invasive Species Action Month this March, calling on residents to act in the fight against invasive species. Whether by removing invasive species, attending an educational workshop, or making the switch to native plants, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference.

“Invasive species are one of the biggest threats to our local parks and natural areas,” HIP Coordinator Claire Lane said. “This month is all about action – challenging people to take real steps to help – starting in their own yards.”

Throughout March, HIP partners are offering a variety of volunteer opportunities, educational experiences, and a special landscaping with natives workshop to equip residents with the tools they need to restore biodiversity in their community.

Key events & ways to get involved

  • Volunteer experiences: Hands-on opportunities to remove invasive plants and restore native habitats across the county.
  • Landscaping with Natives Workshop – March 12, 6 p.m. at Cool Creek Park Nature Center: Learn how to transform your yard with native plants, access free native landscaping plans, and connect with local experts and plant retailers.
  • Educational content on social media: Follow @hamiltonswcd on Instagram and Facebook for facts, tips, and calls to action throughout March.

HIP encourages all Hamilton County residents to take three key actions this month:

  1. Remove invasive species like Callery pear, burning bush, and wintercreeper.
  2. Learn and share information with neighbors and friends.
  3. Switch to native plants in landscaping to support pollinators and local wildlife.

For more information on how to participate in Invasive Species Action Month, visit or follow @hamiltonswcd on social media.

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