Lunch Pal partners Sheridan students with local mentors

This year, 15 Sheridan Elementary School staff members began giving their time to the Lunch Pal program. (Photo provided)

Sheridan Elementary School (SES) has created a partnership with United Animal Health, headquartered in Sheridan. The program, called Lunch Pal – Partners Affecting Learning – began a few years ago and continues to grow.

Employees from United come once a week to eat lunch with their special student and will often stick around to play a game or two at recess.

“It has been incredible seeing the bonds of friendship grow. said Valerie Roberts, SES Assistant Principal. “We know how important building relationships are, so we can’t thank them enough for partnering with us in our Lunch Pal program.”

Roberts helped start the program four years ago and has seen the benefits to the students as they look forward to their special visitor each week.

This year Roberts was challenged by a co-worker to grow the program even more, so she decided to look within the building for some help. Unbelievably, 15 staff members decided to join the Lunch Pal Program and take on a special student as well. The staff members, as well as one school board member, gladly give up a lunch or prep time twice a month to have lunch and some fun with their student.

This week, all students in the program celebrated with a pizza party and some Christmas cheer. One teacher shared that she didn’t think she was making a difference, until the day before the party her lunch pal arrived at her classroom door with a gift for her and a special note stating that after this “Lunch pal thing” is over, she hopes that they can stay friends forever.

Roberts said, “It only takes one person to step up in a child’s life to start the tides of change and at Sheridan Elementary we are watching the benefits before our eyes.”

Next year Roberts said she will be looking for other local businesses that might be willing to spend a lunch hour mentoring students. If your business would be interested, please contact Roberts at Sheridan Elementary School.