Love of cross country team inspires Eagle Scout project for Heights

Will Monnin, a Hamilton Heights eighth grader, has set his sights on a project to improve the Hamilton Heights Cross Country course to earn his rank as an Eagle Scout. The rank of Eagle Scout represents a significant achievement in character development, leadership, and service within the Boy Scouts of America organization. Scouts who attain this rank have demonstrated their commitment to making a positive impact in their communities and beyond. #RunWithTheDawgs (Photo provided)

When Will Monnin moved to the Hamilton Heights School district in 2019, he didn’t know anyone.

Monnin, a member of Boy Scout Troop #183, soon found friends and a place to belong when he joined the Hamilton Heights Cross Country team in the fifth grade. Since then, his love of the sport and for his teammates has only grown.

When he was thinking about starting his Eagle Scout project, Monnin knew exactly what he wanted to do – help improve Hamilton Heights’ 3.1-mile Cross Country course.

“My Eagle Scout project plan includes adding more directional and distance signage, a course map, and an enclosed case for the team roster, records, and pictures,” he explained.

Heights’ Cross Country program involves some 65 boys and girls in grades 5 through 12. This project will benefit the district and current and future cross country team members. To make this happen, Monnin has created a website and has embarked on a marketing campaign to help raise interest and support in the form of donations, in-kind service, and money to purchase materials for the project. To learn more about this project and how you can help go to

Monnin’s goal is to raise at least $3,000 and complete the project before the start of the 2024-25 season.