A new addition to Carmel’s growing inventory of public art is underway in the Carmel Arts & Design District, thanks to a collaboration between current and former local high school students who approached city officials and brought in the Indianapolis-based artist Israel Solomon.
The large-scale mural, being installed on the north-facing wall of the building at 30 1st St. SW, will feature Black heroes and heroines who hail from or have had an impact in the state of Indiana.

The $15,000 mural is the brainchild of local high school students and Indianapolis-based artist Israel Solomon. (Photo provided)
The $15,000 project was the collaborative efforts of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, Carmel Midtown Community Development Corporation, Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation and building owner Brad Subrin. The students who brought the project to the city included Lily McAndrews, Izza Khurram, Adell Urtel, along with Cami Carillo and Dariush Khurram, who formed the group Be the Change Indy to raise awareness about social justice issues both globally and locally.
Solomon, a visual artist and art educator spends his time making an impact in the community, including working with the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.
In 2018, Solomon produced a solo exhibition at the Indianapolis Arts Garden which highlighted his love of vibrant color and geometric shapes. In 2019, he displayed his work at the Garfield Park Arts Center, as well as the artist exhibition at the Indiana Black Expo. In June of 2020, he created a mural to replace the boarded-up windows on Massachusetts Avenue that commemorated George Floyd.
Solomon was also selected as one of six artists to create work for the Indianapolis #maskupindy campaign.