LEPC earns state award

LEPC Secretary and Administrative Assistant for Hamilton County Emergency Management Pam Eldridge receives the award on behalf of LEPC. (Photo provided)

The Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) recently won an award at the annual Indiana Emergency Response Commission Conference. The award was for Facility Outreach by increasing membership with the participating local county businesses that store, manufacture, or transport hazardous materials. This is the third consecutive year Hamilton County has received one or more awards.

LEPC is part of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know program through the Environmental Protection Agency. The voluntary group of about 40 professionals and interested parties from Hamilton County represent over 25 organizations. The mission of the LEPC is: “To enhance emergency response and preparedness plans for all-hazard incidents for Hamilton County through planning and communication between the citizens, business and government.”

You can learn more about LEPC at hamiltoncounty.in.gov/lepc.